
Nothing Is Impossible

Check out my first video blog. (Sorry about the blurriness. From now on I'll have to use my HD camera and not my phone}. Luke 1:37 "Nothing is impossible with God."
Disclaimer:  No trees were harmed in the making of this film. It was cut down earlier.


Don't Worry Ive Got it from here.

     I love this verse.Its found in Exodus 14:14 in the middle of a great story you need to read It doesnt get any clearer than this. Chill, Ill deal. I was talking to our worship pastor here about this verse a while back and he asked me what does that mean to me. Crazy to ask as its very clear what it means really. I need to remain calm in everything going on right now. God will take care of it. It's like when I have reached the bottom and have nothing literally nothing left to give, God's at full force taking care of everything. As if He's saying "Don't worry, Ive got it from here." He always shows up in better ways at the most needed times.

     Then just a couple days ago I ran across Psalm 131. If there was any perfect way to respond to God in times like these. This is what He wants of us. I cant do anything close like God does it and want to stand out of his way, even when it seems I want full control. I am working on being peaceful. Sometimes As the saying goes, sometimes God stills the storm, other times he stills our hearts. I am trying to be patient and wait as he does His thing. Whatever it is. Psalm 131 says...  

God, I’m not trying to rule the roost,I don’t want to be king of the mountain.
I haven’t meddled where I have no business or fantasized grandiose plans.
I’ve kept my feet on the ground, I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother’s arms, my soul is a baby content.
I wait for God. Wait with hope.


God's Not A Genie.

   I was getting ready today and while putting in a contact dropped it in a sink full of soap bubbles that hadnt drained yet. I said God pleases help me here I dont want my day to start like this and have places to be. I reached my hand in and pulled out. My contact in my hand. No joke. I drove to downtown Flag in a hurry and prayed God please help me find a place to park really close so I can not be late. Only one open spot was available. Right by the door. Two for two. I like that.

   Later in the day I thought Id try again.... I asked this time for some help over more important things, life situations that really matter........

Two times evidently was my max for the day.

I was really hoping for that third "granted request".  But afterall Gods not a Genie. He's God.  Seriously tho, He answers how he sees best for the better of us and not just to answer. His blessings come in many different ways and more than 3's.   Reaslistically if you stop to take a look at all the requests weve asked even in just a years time I bet you'd be suprised at the amount of good responses you've gotten. The good ones however...the big requests that really matter, take a little longer it seems. For many reasons we don't or wont, cant or maybe even shouldnt know. Even tho Ill be honest thats not what I want to hear. I literally hate that. That thought alone actually drives me nuts.

For whatever reason tho it has to be worth the wait. Its more than obscene to think otherwise. I keep telling myself to remember  that God is ultimately in control in all circumstances even when it doesnt seem like in any way shape or form. To be honest a lot of the times that seems pretty often to me. But I, like you, am learning.


Never Stop Praying (A message from a Humming Bird)

     Many times a week when I'm on my treadmill at home Ill look out the window over my deck and see a humingbird buzz around the bird feeder.  The weird thing is first of all the bird feeder is empty and second its not even a Humming bird feeder! My question is why does it keep coming back? Or even why does it come in the first place. Its been empty literally for the whole short time Ive lived there (mainly because Ive been too lazy to just go out there and fill it.)   Ive been waiting to hear a small peck on the window and a dirty look from this bird pearing in at me until I feel guilty enough to refill it.  But regardless it shows up continually checking it out. Never stopping and always returning even when its still empty. So while I was thinking about this unique daily scenario, for some reason the words never stop keep coming to mind.

     Never stop is a reminder I keep telling myself everyday in the middle of my life circumstance.  Never stop pursuing God, never stop hoping, never stop making the most of everyday, never stop praying. I find some prayers Ive prayed to be just like that birdfeeder.  Empty. Never answered. Just there.  I lift them up and keep coming back to them but no answer. No results. But ironically I know that is no excuse to stop praying.  I have learned many times over many years that even tho my prayers sometimes can be lifted up and get no response, to stop praying is not really an option. ( I wrote more thoughts about this in my book called book Sinking Deeper). God will eventually answer and do His thing. Unlike me, he's not too lazy to "refill the feeder" or answer us when we continue returning back to Him.

I love the worship song "Not For A Moment". It helps to better understand that God is constant and never fails us. Its a pretty amazing lyric that is fairly new but something everyone needs to hear and remember especially when you feel you want to quit.  Never Stop Praying. Not for a moment does He stop listening.
He is always wanting to hear from us all the time.

No matter whether empty or full  this bird is going to keep coming back. So the thought I've concluded from everything on my mind and this little buzzing reminder is...............
We might not like it when we are ignored but neither does God. Neither do Hummingbirds.
So never Stop praying and always fill your bird feeder.



About four years ago my sons wrote a song called "sunset". Corey and I redid it a bit and recorded it for my newest cd. I changed it up again here just as a simple message to my boys Corey and Ethan. Check it out Son (sunset Song Remake) by kevinearnst on SoundCloud
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Sign Me Up

     I have to be honest, theres been a lot of very unncessary life circumstances and junk Ive been sorting through personally for quite some time. Its pretty incredible and insane. Im always amazed at all the ignorance and belligerance that goes along with it and how crazy things can get when the real focus is lost. But through it I always continue to search and wait on God which is a very hard thing to do. No matter how long you have tried doing it. I dont think I dont think I ever signed up for this kind of torment and grief and am often wondering where all this is headed.

I as anyone else, have days when Im pretty much done with all the craziness and want to hand it over to someone else.  I was told the other day by a friend of mine that they wanted to read me something I needed to hear. Being totally open to any encouragement at the time they read from a book the paragraphs below......
The bottom line is you have to let go of everything that might hinder you from going deeper into the abyss of the ocean that leads into the awesome of God’s love. We have cried out to God. He has heard. Now we have to wait and trust. It’s the final stage. The final moment where we finally admit out loud

“I can’t do this anymore. Take all of me.”

“What was that?” He asks

“That’s right God I have faith and trust in you to take all of me and do your thing. I’m done being in control and trying to figure it out on my own. I want to sink deep into your ultimate will for my life.”

Once you come to this point I can see that smile that breaks out across the face of God as He begins to prepare us for the next step. When we finally recognize God in all His faithfulness we are just beginning to see the phenomenal things he will be able to do from here on out with our lives. He’s shaping you into his perfect plan. God’s faithfulness has extended from the very beginning of creation to this very second you are reading this sentence and He has no reason to stop now. His goal is to develop a similar strong and long-lasting faith in us even if it takes longer then we ever had planned.

Have faith in God. When God seems far away, have faith in God. When you are feeling trapped, have faith in God. When I can’t take anymore and feel like I’m going to go ballistic, have faith in God. Personally I don’t like being stretched past my limits but if it brings me closer to God and deeper into his love then I am all for it. Sign me up. Stretch me and pull me until I’m so out of shape that I’m not even recognizable anymore. Stretch me into something new.

I was blown away and all of the sudden some things started to make sense. Im working through being totally sold on the fact that God will take care of every situation how He wants it. Even if presently seems far from fair or realistic. In the end He's got a bigger plan that if we believe in and wait for will be pretty amazing. I also was blown away by the fact that the words read in these paragraphs, my friend reminded me, were from a book that I actually wrote!!  "Sinking Deeper". Words I felt strongly about not many years ago. I had no clue I'd be in this kind of place when I wrote them. I had no clue when I said SIGN ME UP! that I was probably saying literally .... sign me up! and here I am.

I dont like being stretched past my limits but if it brings me closer to God........

What was I thinking?

Really tho.

At least I was reminded what I need to continue doing. This is an opportunity as Ive known all along to grow really really really close to God.... and I need to soak up every minute and trust that in the end He's gonna set the matter straight and make things right.

Even if I dont like presently all thats going on.

So I say a bit reluctantly because Im still learning but I need to say it......

Im still signed up so.......Bring It on.


pics on the bike ride

I always love the views when out bike riding. Always lots of beautiful changes , random views and cool sites along the way. Thought I'd post a few.
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Expectation Realization

     Lately in my job Ive been talking with many people about expectations. Why we have them, what they are for, realistic ones and unrealistic ones, etc. In many of the conversations it comes to expecations they have of others or for themselves and how they struggle with that daily. Its interesting at the same time in my personal life how Ive found actually that many good expectations Ive had people I know including close friends, and Christians evidently have been set too high. Ive found that what Ive expected of them or thought should be expected of them was not the case..
      Dont get me wrong Im not saying Ive perfectly met peoples expectations of me. I can say that there are several times when I didnt meet others expectations for me or Ive even had for myself.  I however know our ultimate goal as Christians is to be more like Christ. In that light we all should have high expectations to reach that goals and expect that of others. Rudness, disrespect, selfish gain, falsely accusing , critical remarks, negativity, pride and ignorance  are not good characteristics  you would expect from others. Especially Christians. Neither is the unwillingness to reach out even in awkward situations and take the time to talk to someone you might not want to for the sake of reaching out, prayer or gaining a new perspective of their personal story. Im sad to say I may have been there too but know others who are in that place now.
I am thankful for those people in my life who meet expectations and go above and beyon daily. For those people in my life I thank you. You are a blessing.

I love this verse in Matthew 5 from the Beatitudes in the sermon on the mount...

"You are blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. Thats when you discover who you really are and your place in Gods family."

That says it all. We are expected by God in all circumstances to always look for the most Godly way to handle things and be peacemakers. That is pretty simple. We are also asked to love those who continually look for ways to harm us. That part is not so easy but that is something Im doing and have set as an expectation of myself.

Expect something new in your life, try setting some higher expectations of yourself.


Anxiety= faithless

I heard a speaker recently say that anxiety is the abscence of faith.

Thats a pretty big statement to swallow.

I have always been a person of faith. It has grown deeply over the years and more each day. However I have also had some major anxiety as I often worry through some days not knowing how Ill make it through. Especially when this world continues every day to get me down with its negative attacks. (yes,that includes people too).

Gods in control tho.  Keep it in mind and hold on to it tight.

That statement above is a deep one but honestly I am beginning to really believe its completely true.

So here are my thoughts from my own experience. Were not always full of faith and as strong as we think we are and anxiety can be pretty overpowering.

However faith itself, even if hard to hold on to, is definitely better than freaking out and going crazy.

Dont let anxiety get the best of you..... have a littlfe faith. Learn how to let it grow and dont stop.


Stay Near The Water

   There's a really unique view along 169 in Arizona where I travel often that I love to see each time I drive through. This road is about 17 miles long and goes through a very barren "middle of nowhere" part of the mountains which is hilly but nothing more than a lot of dirt, rocks and some small trees for miles and miles. In the middle of this vast amount of open land is a small string of trees coming down from the hill towards the road in a zig zag line with the brightest glowing green leaves you've ever seen. In the picture above you can see part of the landscape. They stand out in the background of dirt brown and rocks surrounding this area.  Its obvious why they are there and why they flourish in that location. They are following a stream of water that is flowing down the mountains.

     There are many places in the state like that where you can see where the trees are green and flourishing as they grow along the water flow from the highest places of Arizona down into the deserts. Camp Verde is based along a river like this and has an amazing view of green and beautiful tree lines that you can see anywhere from the mountains in that area.

      As we know water is the lifeline not only nature but humans as well. We cant live without it. It keeps us alive. We are composed of it. Try not replenishing your body with water and see how that works out for you. Water even makes up a mass majority of our bodies themselves.

I was reminded of this verse by seeing these trees out in the middle of this barren openness.... It says...

Blessed are those who do not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
but who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on his law day and night.
They are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3

If we want to grow, thrive and prosper in all we do we need to stay connected to the living water given to us through the Holy Spirit. Pray, read, meditate, connect, plug in, reach out, plant some roots in a relationship with Jesus. Thats where true life is found. Don't ever try steering away from that lifeline. No matter where you are or what part of life you're in.
If you want to continue to grow and be blessed and never run dry..... stay near the water....


Memorable Moments Knowing Merl Judy

     I was very upset to hear of my friend Merl's passing away this last week. I was out of the loop and didnt know about the whole situation until the last few days and very sad.  I personally heard from my parents about his death  and last day with us here. I also read some comments on his Facebook site as the reality hit that he had passed and services were Saturday.

     I was just reminisching today as I remembered being in high school and my first time getting to know Merl. He was attending a CIY conference with our youth group in Adrian Michigan. Believe it or not I was being a rebel that year and was giving every youth leader including Merl a run for their money. (which I paid for later when I returned home that week). For some reason I still have this picture in my head of a day there on campus when I, another youth groupee and I believe my brother were trying to climb into our dorm window which was on the second floor, with a rope. (just one of the many stupid and crazy events that  I was involved in that week) My brother was half way up and I was coming behind when all I remember is out of the blue, Merl popping his head out of the window and with hands gripped on the window sill and a look of  I mean business written all over his face saying two words......


My brother part way up fell and landed on a bush and was hanging there as a branch hung him by his shirt and I let go of the rope and in fear, took off running along with whoever else was with us. Im sure there were many other episodes like this that year but this is the one I clearly remember.

Not too long later I do remember getting to know him better on a more personal, civil level. I not only respected him as our youth leader but also started doing his lawn over the summer. I'd show up weekly. We'd have a chat. Id mow his very hilly yard and have a glass of lemonade and talk some more. This was just the beginning of our simple relationship. I later went on to college, moved away, came back to BCC every so often and would see him there and catch up on life and everything going on.  He was always committed to doing something around the church, praying for me and helping how he could, serving, greeting, finances, youth, you name it. Of the many people Id always try to see while visiting he was definitely one of them. Often the first one as hed be there greeting at the door.

Its obvious he had a heart for people, a passion for God and was dedicated to his family and church. Many are greatful for all the awesome things he was and did. I will miss seeing him at BCC when I get back there but he's just another example of a person with a positive Godly influence on many who were ever around him. Including myself.


The power of Psalm 91

I read this Psalm a couple weeks ago and have been continually amazed by the power in it and reading it every day since. The Message version of this is my favorite. I highlited the key parts in black. Read this for yourself. Pretty incredible.

"God, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!"
That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day.

Not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you.  You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance, watch the wicked turn into corpses. Yes, because God's your refuge, the High God your very own home.

Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you their job is to keep you from falling.
You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path.

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"

All this is a promise if we "hold on to God for dear life".
He'll get us out of any confusing times.


Rockin at Sunshine Rescue Mission

I ended my day today playing with Mo, Zac and Jackson from the Northpoint worship team down at Sunshine Rescue Mission. I counted well over 50 people hanging out there in the courtyard enjoying a cook out while we rocked out acoustic style on a Cajon the me on the DJembe and a couple acoustic guitars. It was pretty amazing how powerful it was just to play for a couple hours and worship with some great songs. Every now and then you could see some of the guys there at the mission really connecting with the music and listening to the words. In between a few drunks and random break dancers throughout the set.

You never know how many lives you touch in a setting like that... or even how many people you might reach out to through the set in some positive way. People stopped by passing through downtown Flag, riding bikes, tourists, passers by from nearby shops and stores. It was the perfect night, the perfect set and a great evening to jam outside while the sun set over Flag.

We got to eat with the guys, chat and hear some life stories. I love these moments. The guy I sat across time at our table shared some powerful stuff and how he had been inspired by the committment the band had to play music and why we were there sharing these worship songs. We agreed everything in life is for a reason and even the fact that we had crossed paths that night was for a reason. I told him I thought it was to encourage him, even tho 58 and feeling life had let him down. I shared that maybe this time was a way to inspire him to step up his interested in getting involved and doing something out of the ordinary to influence someone else... whatever it may be. It was a great time.

In the middle of our discussion a couple of the guys passing through had joined our worship pastor playing guitar, one rapping, one on harmonica and the other playing percussion. Everyone joined in on a great time of music and meeting new people.

Ironically I didnt get any pics of this night however there was a video taken of the song done the guys there at the shelter that is absolutely hilarious to watch. Im going to post it soon.


Jesus & Nothing = Everything

As I was doing my daily morning excersize routine today I popped on my headset to listen to a message from Pastor Jud at Central Church in Vegas. The series was on satisfaction and about finding complete satisfaction in life through honoring God in everything. He mentioned this quote that I recently heard and have been thinking over.

 "Nothing + Jesus = Everything"

When you find yourself with nothing left, if you have Jesus, you literally have all you need. That's the appetite we all need to have to find complete satisfaction in life. No matter what the case. When we find ourselves with nothing, stripped away from everything, we are given another chance to rebuild, refocus and tune in with God himself. Finding time like that is rare and an opportunity you don't want to miss out on.

Luckily my ultimate daily focus right now and life story is just that. Time alone with God praying, growing and waiting on His plan. Amazingly and ironically, there is nothing like it.

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He's the one who will keep you on track."   Proverbs 3:5-6, The Message

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"The Gathering"

I've had the honor to be a part of the music at the Gathering down in Prescott over the past year now on Sundays. Ive been helping out doing the worship there over the past month or so.  Here is a pic of my long time partner in crime Jay Reeder ( the official leader) myself and some of the guys that help out each week. Pretty awesome to see how God does His thing each week and uses a simple message and a coffeehouse church setting to reach lost people right off the streets of downtown Prescott.



I got to meet up for lunch today with one of my great friends here in Flagstaff. We had a lot to catch up on and with crazy different situations going on hadnt had the opportunity to meet up in over 3 weeks.  He shared all that he'd been up to and some twists and turns that had happened over the last week. Part of the conversation was about winning over his dad to Christ in a conversation while his dad continues to suffer with cancer. I then updated him on how things were going for me and the crazy journey I've been on.

The question came up later as we ate and hung out there that Ive been thinking through for many weeks.
"Do you really believe God is in control right now in all this?

I didnt really have to hesitate to answer because it had been on my mind and I said "Yes I do. I at least hope he is because no one else seems to be including me."

Whether we want to believe it or not, whether we live it or not, no matter how you look at it, whether you want to accept it or not God is actually in control.  Even when it doesnt seem like it at all. Ive been reminded of this daily for a while now. For me its a time of total dependence on God and going along for the ride no matter where it takes me. Ultimately God's plan is better than anything I could imagine even if it is not an easy way out. I even know as I make this dependence on God my ultimate goal that I will be tested and probably stretched in a way Im not even expecting at this moment. Im ready tho. Ive really got nothing to lose if God is really in control. Thats the absolute truth.



I noticed the other day I havent blogged in a while and ironically have a lot to share that I should have blogged about for quite some time. I always write when there seems to be major events going on and unique things in life that are worth sharing about. For some reason however this past 3-4 weeks has thrown me off. Well actually I know the reason.... its because the last 3 weeks have led me to and through the biggest detour Ive ever had in my life ever.

Everyone is familiar with life detours. You know how it works. Out of the blue, all of the sudden change occurs and you have to adjust in some major way to what you know as "normal".  It can alter everything and throw off every aspect of everything in every way and that is exactly what happened. Im not going to go into detail about my personal "detour" situation on here. It wouldnt be appropriate or a good positive step right now but I know it was totally unexpected, not all good, dramatized immensely and could have been handled in a 100% different way. The good thing that brings me the most peace through it is that I know the absolute truth and God knows the final outcome. With that I find great comfort. Even tho it took me a while to be reminded of that again, accept it and commit to that fact.

For me its all about taking the time in the detour to learn how to totally depend on God, build a relationship with him and take advantage of the closeness God is wanting in times like these. As pastor David Jeremiah says  its not asking why is this happening? But "I know God You've allowed this in my life and Im going to learn from it".  I picked up a copy of a book just after my new "bend in the road" called "Sun Stand Still". Love this. I had heard about it and knew it would be the perfect fit for me. Its about the prayer prayed in time of need where an army led by Joshua needed more daylight to win their battle and the sun actually stood still in the sky for a whole extra day. Crazy. I also found a new CD I wanted to get by Sanctus Real called "Pieces of a Real Heart". I have been a fan of this band forever but this latest CD with the songs I had already heard from it was hitting home with alot of things I was dealing with. The CD is full of songs that are perfect and a Godsend in this time of change and waiting and its been playing in my car now over and over for weeks.

 Between these things and a lot of great awesome support I have in Flag and friends I have been able to take advantage of this period of time when I know in most cases I  would crack, crash , burn and be angry at the world. I have enjoyed it again more than many other times in my life and its been a huge marker in my life. That's because I have made it that way and made effort to in the midst of what normally is intended for bad. God makes good out of what Evil meant to harm. Do I have confidence that God will handle it and turn it in to a huge blessing? Absolutely! I just have to patiently wait and continue searching and knowing Him better in the meantime.
Not easy in any way but its the only way and definitely worth it.

Please pray.....

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Love this Ap from CCC in Vegas!

So a while ago I discovered a sweet new app for my phone. No its not Angry Birds. Its not even a game. Its the app for Central Christian Church.(one of the top three largest Christian Churches in the US and located just outside of Las Vegas). I thought Id share it as its been pretty awesome and a great way to get in on the messages at an awesome church. Thats the best part about it. All weekly messages are on it in video and audio form so I plug it in my system at home when im working out or my car while driving around and listen. This isnt a new thing as there are several churches that have this feature now days and I love it. I appreciate the work of Central and have met Pastor Jud before. I actually follow him via tweet as well and today just saw this link to his blog. I dont normally forward on other peoples blog links but I loved what he wrote about here. A very cool story about two of my favorite actors and a concept that really hits home. Check it out!


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Spring Break 2012

For me it was a typical work week. For my boys and Flag schools here this past week was spring break. The whole week was amazing weather wise with blue skies, sunny, warm and in the 60s.Today just when we thought spring break was coming to an end they have declared a snow day tomorrow ,Monday, the  first day back after getting a foot last night and possibly up to another foot here tonite. I remember spring break as a kid. I dont remember ever goin on any amazing trips but it was always great to get out and of course not be in school. Call me crazy but I think spring break should be part of the official schedule for adults too. Anyone out there agree? Cool thing is over break I did a lot of great stuff. Took an incredible bike ride in our awesome ponderosa pine forest here, hiked down in Sedona through the red rocks and also had a great day on the peaks snowboarding. I am ready for spring. Bring on the warm weather!

Click here to view our Sedona pics

Snowboarding pics


My Latest Playlist

I have a list of about a dozen songs right now that are my top favs on my playlist. The ones below are my top 3. Ive listened to these everyday as they have have had a huge impact on my life over the past year or more and been encouraging in my present life circumstance. The music is sweet but even better the lyrics are simple and awesome reminders that I always love to hear. I wanted to put them on here to share with you as I'm sure there's many others who need to hear them too..

3."You Are More"  a great lyric from Tenth Avenue North about God's mercy and grace on our lives no matter who we are, what we've done or what were going through.

2."Strong Enough" by Matthew West  is one of my all time favs.  The words say it all.

1."Always" is a powerful tune just with the simple thought that God is our ultimate help and will not delay in coming to our rescue.

Take a moment and check them out!

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Pivotal Praying

I've been reading through this awesome book called "Pivotal Praying" by John Hull & Tim Elmore for a while now. In my present situation in life I've realized more and more that I am seriously blessed to have some awesome friends and family. No matter if they are close logistically or far away they always have been and will be a big part of my daily life. Their counsel and prayers have led me to seriously believe the words of this prayer in this book. This is the prayer I've been praying and believe in. Check it out for yourself. It's perfect and true.

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2 years at AZCA!

So this week I'm just crossing the two year mark working at Arizonas Children Association here in Flagstaff. Thought Id just take a moment to blog/share about it and what I do there as Im very glad to be doin it!!  I'm definitely very blessed to have found this position and have really enjoyed the chance to work with families in need all over Northern Arizona including Prescott, Kingman, Meadview, Bullhead City, Lake Havasu City, Winslow, Holbrook, all around Flag and everywhere in between. Just over 32 homes now and thousands of miles driven. Crazy to think about but at the same time its been a privelege as I have been able to help influence, teach and have  direct influence on parents, children and teens in a positive way and helping them to make healthy changes in their lives. My official title is a Clinician and Family Support Tech. The stories I've experienced at AZCA through our "Meet Me Where I am Program" and "In Home" therapy and support, in just the short two years are pretty insane. (and I thought my life was crazy!)

It's exciting personally to be a part of an organization like this because its very hard now days to find employment in a place that you not only enjoy but also believe in and support. In this line of work its also obvious you dont do it for the money. Its about meeting people where they are and providing hope and new directions. Strangely enough, even while at a crossroads in my own life, I have thoroughly enjoyed every part of my role in this organization. I have had more "hands on" opportunites and "ministering" to people than I've had in any previous jobs , ironically including the ministries Ive been invovled in. After all our focus should be on relationships in life and reaching out to help in the world around us and if we arent doing that we are missing the point.

Dont get me wrong this job is not glamorous and perfect. Its actually quite the opposite. It is rewarding tho and for that Im very grateful. Everyday is a new adventure and even if I have a plan or a schedule I never know where I might end up next or how the day might end. I work with people directly in the schools, courts, home, community, wherever.   Each day is a new chance to help families and children in their life challenges and provide some stability, resources and hope. That itself is very exciting. (I actually think I've learned just as much as I have offered to all my clients and am hoping also this year to work on developing a life coaching program as an addition to my role at AZCA to continue helping people where they are. If you want to find out more or are interested in a life coach email me at kevinearnst@yahoo.com).

Not everyone of course has a job where its direct time working with people daily. Whatever the case tho whether you do or want to I encourage you to try making a goal to reach out to a family or friend  that might be going through a tough time and offer some help, advice, a prayer, encouragement. Im willing to bet there's actually a lot of people right in your community or circle of friends who would love someone to reach out to them in their time of need or maybe they are just wanting to build a positive deeper relationship. Don't miss out!


Spirit led or Self enpowered ?

So I'm reading this awesome book called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman I got for Christmas. Love it. This chapter Spirit led or Self Enpowered is exactly what I've been focusing on in my own life as I evaluate how I live every day. The challenge is to follow God more and self less. If you think about it the typical day is focused on our goals and our ambitions. Today I prayed again for direction and then listened for it. I had to intentionally redirect myself off and on to pray and "be led" but when I did I again saw the day unfold in whole new directions. Amazingly throughout the day I felt God leading. In things I did, people I talked to, things I said, situations I encountered.

It's an on going process that is difficult but definitely is a great change. Even if you have been a Christian for a lifetime. It's time to step it up. Life is a battle and a journey and we have the "gift" of the holy spirit actually in us to lean on every second of the way. It's like handing over the controls and going along for the ride. A ride that is satisfying and rewarding in every way. It benefits us and glorifies God all at the same time. In all you do, say, think, feel ..pray for God to intervene. All day long, through all you do and wherever you go. See what happens.

If you want to see what God does in the lives of spirit led people read the book of Acts! Insane! Personally I'm making this a new goal each day and I'm ecstatic about what all could possibly happen! Understand tho this doesn't mean a joy ride down lucky lane. It might even have a few moments that are really rough. Bit its Gods road plan for your day, for your life. I'm sure a majority of the people even reading this haven't even taken a day to practice this from dawn til dusk consistently let alone make it a lifestyle.

Pray, listen, wait, react, respond. From the moment you get out of bed in the morning.Try it. I know its going to make every day an eye popping, mind boggling and jaw dropping adventure I promise. It's also the perfect way to gorify God with your life.

Proverbs 3:6 MSG

"Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. "

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Stretched (Romans 12:2)

My day started off an extreme struggle, took a turn for the better in the middle and ended up a blessing. It's not everyday that happens but when it does its obvious its no accident. A day with as many complications like mine started off with doesn't magically turn out good. I won't bore you with the details but I believe every hour was a God thing. An ultimate new plan for my entire day. So that was my focus. I've been reading that worship is always better than worrying. Worrying shows your lack of trust. Worship puts your focus where it needs to be. I chose to worship in my challenges and was blessed in the end. I was stretched way out of my normal shape today way more than I was ready for or expected but in the end I could tell God was working on me and that makes it all good. Tomorrows just another chance to do it all over again and to be stretched maybe just a little more. Another opportunity to learn to trust, a chance to worship and not worry. A chance to become a better you or maybe begin to restore a broken relationship. It all depends on how you look at it. But I promise if you have the right focus where it needs to be, it's going to turn out great. Be prepared for God to something awesome and be ready to be stretched. Romans 12:2 MSG "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." Published with Blogger-droid


My Pastor

For over the past two years I have had a key person in my life that has become a friend and a big part of my support network. This man genuinely took time to get to know me from the first time we met and has been there to support, challenge and direct in some key times in my life over this time frame. If you dont know him your missing out. He's my pastor. Pastor Paul Meldrum. Not since my days of being invovled in the youth ministry at my home church have I ever had anyone who had such a huge impact on my life and has helped me on good days and bad and to challenge me to stay on track pursuing what has been my goal for a lifetime. There have been very few people whom I have developed this kind of relationship with and learned from even in my role as a pastor myself. Its great to finally have a Christian leader as part of my life who is just that and that I can have a personal relationship with. Whether over coffee, meetings in his office or text messages its obvious Paul is a man of God and has one thing that is important to him. That is connecting with people on a personal level even tho  a very busy man in a very growing incredible church. Daily he sets an example of how Christ dealt with the people he crossed paths with during his time here on earth. So I thought Id take a minute to not just brag about my pastor but share how effective leadership can be when modeling Christ to the body and community but to shout out a big THANKS to God for putting Paul in my life.  He has helped me through some pretty major stuff and its awesome to know He's there and available for support in the journey.

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