Everyone is familiar with life detours. You know how it works. Out of the blue, all of the sudden change occurs and you have to adjust in some major way to what you know as "normal". It can alter everything and throw off every aspect of everything in every way and that is exactly what happened. Im not going to go into detail about my personal "detour" situation on here. It wouldnt be appropriate or a good positive step right now but I know it was totally unexpected, not all good, dramatized immensely and could have been handled in a 100% different way. The good thing that brings me the most peace through it is that I know the absolute truth and God knows the final outcome. With that I find great comfort. Even tho it took me a while to be reminded of that again, accept it and commit to that fact.
For me its all about taking the time in the detour to learn how to totally depend on God, build a relationship with him and take advantage of the closeness God is wanting in times like these. As pastor David Jeremiah says its not asking why is this happening? But "I know God You've allowed this in my life and Im going to learn from it". I picked up a copy of a book just after my new "bend in the road" called "Sun Stand Still". Love this. I had heard about it and knew it would be the perfect fit for me. Its about the prayer prayed in time of need where an army led by Joshua needed more daylight to win their battle and the sun actually stood still in the sky for a whole extra day. Crazy. I also found a new CD I wanted to get by Sanctus Real called "Pieces of a Real Heart". I have been a fan of this band forever but this latest CD with the songs I had already heard from it was hitting home with alot of things I was dealing with. The CD is full of songs that are perfect and a Godsend in this time of change and waiting and its been playing in my car now over and over for weeks.
Between these things and a lot of great awesome support I have in Flag and friends I have been able to take advantage of this period of time when I know in most cases I would crack, crash , burn and be angry at the world. I have enjoyed it again more than many other times in my life and its been a huge marker in my life. That's because I have made it that way and made effort to in the midst of what normally is intended for bad. God makes good out of what Evil meant to harm. Do I have confidence that God will handle it and turn it in to a huge blessing? Absolutely! I just have to patiently wait and continue searching and knowing Him better in the meantime.
Not easy in any way but its the only way and definitely worth it.
Please pray.....
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