OK, so I'm in Michigan for Christmas break and the snow here, what little they have, is melting. Meanwhile back where I live, Flagstaff, AZ is getting pounded with snow. Pretty ironic I think. Somehow the other day during a conversation with my boys about snow we got on to the topic of snowflakes. They were both talking about how amazed they are at how they're designed. (This was going on while I was attempting to make some snow flakes out of paper with scissors and kept messing up.) Did you know each one is amazingly different and amazingly unique? Ever taken a look? Ethan tried this at school.... take a black piece of paper and catch a flake and examine it with a magnifying glass or even just your eyes. Check out this real pic of a close up of a snowflake.
Is that insane or what? It's just ridiculously unbelievable how something so tiny is so cool. Its not just a tiny snowball or a dot. Its actually a beautiful intricately designed piece of art. Each snowflake being different start as ice crystals that are the size of a speck of dust. When the crystals fall they join up with other crystals to form a snowflake. The size and shape actually depend on how many crystals hook together.
Crazy huh? But how did that process itself even come about? Some think these things came to be by time and chance. Some think it was a consequence or part of a chain of events from a big explosion or mistake. So my thought is that in order to make a snow flake itself would really good mistake. Or really a marvelously beautiful mistake. What kind of mistake that you know of has turned out that cool? Its really what I'm thinking more of a marvelously beautiful reminder. And proof of design.
When snow is coming down by the foot like it is right at home just think that every inch of it you plow through walk on and shovel includes hundreds, thousands, millions & billions of tiny pieces of artwork with a design that as you can see, could take your breath away. Mistakes? That's pretty insane to assume. A uniquely designed tiny creation like that only says one thing.....
There has to be some pretty awesome Designer.
And it's made bluntly obvious from even something as simple, as a snowflake.
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