
Expectation Realization

     Lately in my job Ive been talking with many people about expectations. Why we have them, what they are for, realistic ones and unrealistic ones, etc. In many of the conversations it comes to expecations they have of others or for themselves and how they struggle with that daily. Its interesting at the same time in my personal life how Ive found actually that many good expectations Ive had people I know including close friends, and Christians evidently have been set too high. Ive found that what Ive expected of them or thought should be expected of them was not the case..
      Dont get me wrong Im not saying Ive perfectly met peoples expectations of me. I can say that there are several times when I didnt meet others expectations for me or Ive even had for myself.  I however know our ultimate goal as Christians is to be more like Christ. In that light we all should have high expectations to reach that goals and expect that of others. Rudness, disrespect, selfish gain, falsely accusing , critical remarks, negativity, pride and ignorance  are not good characteristics  you would expect from others. Especially Christians. Neither is the unwillingness to reach out even in awkward situations and take the time to talk to someone you might not want to for the sake of reaching out, prayer or gaining a new perspective of their personal story. Im sad to say I may have been there too but know others who are in that place now.
I am thankful for those people in my life who meet expectations and go above and beyon daily. For those people in my life I thank you. You are a blessing.

I love this verse in Matthew 5 from the Beatitudes in the sermon on the mount...

"You are blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. Thats when you discover who you really are and your place in Gods family."

That says it all. We are expected by God in all circumstances to always look for the most Godly way to handle things and be peacemakers. That is pretty simple. We are also asked to love those who continually look for ways to harm us. That part is not so easy but that is something Im doing and have set as an expectation of myself.

Expect something new in your life, try setting some higher expectations of yourself.

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