This is by far one of my favorite pics of this summer. Its a great memory of a day at Grasshopper Point In Sedona and to me a symbolic moment of big changes and transition in our home. It seems like yesterday Corey was in grade school and moving up to jr high. But the story is Corey has graduated high school now , turned 18 and has taken a new ministry opportunity in Virginia at Mountain Mission School. Its time for him to step out from the norm he's known and been raised in and jump full heartedly into his next adventure in life. Whether or not we all are ready for this it's obvious God has set aside this opportunity for him to take and pursue as he learns more about the plan in store for his life and serves children in need every day. A lot of prayer went into this from several people.
It's been officially over a month now and I'm still adapting to this and still wondering how how so much time flew by so fast. Its different and challenging as a parent/father but its a great to know he is doing something that's bigger than my fears and worries. Worshipping and playing in the band with new people there ar MM, connecting with children from around the world and serving in an environment that changes lives and helps shape even himself into something new.
Thank God for text and FaceTime.
Miss you here Corey B.
Every day I'm more excited to see what God has planned for you.