Lots of new exciting things are happening for me here in 2010!!
Heres what happening!
First of all my new cd "One Step Closer" is finally complete and will be out here in February. This is a collection of songs that have been written over the past 5 years and recorded over the past three. This is definitely the most exciting project I have done musically and these songs are incredible. One of my favorites is the one I have done with Corey B. called "Sunset". You can check this one out on Youtube. I will be announcing the big CD release party soon and it will be available through Amazon, I-tunes and tons of other music venues including Best Buy, Target and Borders. Check out my website at Kevinearnst.com to read more about the CD and hear the music.
Ya strange but true. I have taken a new turn presently in what will be keeping me busy on a regular basis. I have been involved in worship ministry and in the "church scene" for over 12 years full time and most of the rest of my life a very busy volunteer. However I recently decided to pursue another area of my life that I have always been excited about and that is working with youth. I know a
lot of you know my passion for that population and may have been a part of that at one time even. So starting in December I began to look for a way to get more involved in that area and see what God had in store. In a very short time God blessed me with an awesome opportunity at the Arizona's Children Association. There I will be working with youth and teens from a clinical approach and out in the community meeting those needs on a daily basis. You can check out more about the organization at www.arizonaschildren.org . Its pretty amazing stuff. I have always loved the work I have been involved in even tho it can be very draining, stressful and time consuming but I'm thoroughly excited about this new opportunity.
It will definitely be a different kind of transition for me but have also found it so far to be extremely rejuvenating if you will. It's always cool to see what God has in mind for you next. (one of the songs called "More" on the new cd is my present theme song and explains that whole process of following God even when it doesn't make sense. Check out the lyrics sometime) I grew up in the church, been involved in church all my life and have worked as a volunteer and employee in 3 of the nations largest Christian Churches and it has been an honor. At the same time it has also been the cause of some of the greatest stress and frustrations I have ever had. ( who would have thought that could happen working in a church??!! jk but its true.) So with that in mind I know this will be a great time for change and using other gifts I have been blessed with. (I actually have a masters degree in counseling and had a license to practice for three years in Michigan.... I know, scarey.) I will continue to do music however and volunteer as needed in whatever place I find myself as well as write, perform and sing. Music has been and always will be a huge part of my life.
One thing I have tried to keep in mind, remember in my own personal life over the years and have taught to others, is that being a worship leader on the weekend and being a worshiper during the week is two different things. To be honest there have been many times when the second part has been lacking. I try daily to work on that but do feel I need more time to do focus on that just as much as anyone. I have talked with many people about the spiritual battle we face everyday especially in the role of a worship pastor/leader. I don’t know if you know this or not but as worship leaders we are on the front lines of the battle and face great opposition every day in more powerful ways than any other ministry. The book I wrote, "Sinking Deeper" focuses a lot on these kinds of things. Although written about four years ago I keep finding myself lately going back and reading it to remind myself of those scripture verses included, the encouragement and spiritual guidance I needed and wrote about over the years in this role. I want to encourage everyone to think about these things and find ways to continue your spiritual growth daily... even when we don’t feel we have time or think we are already "spiritual giants". We all have a lot more to learn. I know I do.
So even tho I am not employed as a worship leader, I still consider myself one as it's a lifestyle we all need to practice and role model. Through my life, my music and my writing that I will continue to do I hope to accomplish just that. Even in my new role at Arizona's children I know I will be given new opportunities to "minister" to people and reach out to them in new amazing ways firsthand. It will be great to actually worship now on a daily basis in a whole new way!!
Please pray for this transition and the new CD. I am very excited to get this out finally and hear your thoughts on these new songs!!!!!
Thanks everyone and remember that everyday no matter what new twists and turns come our way, we are "One Step Closer" to an eternity in heaven!!
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