Worship Arts Conference- Saddleback Church
Hello everyone!. Im writing to you live from the 2006 Worship Arts Conference here at Saddleback in Lake Forest, CA. Its been a great first day and another another awesome year at the conference is just beginning. I spent the day at the conference and the family spent the day playing in the ocean at Laguna beach. We caught the sunset there tonight and took a stroll down the main stretch after dinner. What a beautiful place! Today as always Rick Warrens kicks off the week with a key message on the topic. Balance. His message although simple had a few great points that I wanted to write on here as I will be logging each days events on this blog. Check back each day for more info on the Coneference and the worship!
Heres the break down from our main message of the day by Rick. We spend too much time worrying and not enough worshipping. Worry is when we depend on ourself. Worship is when we give it to God.
The key steps were:
Ask God For Help / Believe He can handle the Situation / Confess your Inadequacy / Depend on God to Help & save you / Express thanks in advance / Find the blessing in the bad
The scripture used was II Chronicles 20:1-27 where Jehoshaphat was to go to battle against several different armies who had joined together. He asked the Lord for help and turned over his crisis totally to God. He confessed he could not handle the situation and thanked him in advance having faith God was going to deal with the problem. Its pretty rare that I find a message that really hits home and this home hit right on theh spot. Worship could come before everything we try to do to make something better. It is the antedote for worry. "Go to the Lord for help and worship him continually." Psalm 105:4
The worship today was mainly by Rick Muchow and the Worship Team here and as always they did a marvelous job. Best of all was to see Rick Muchows son following in his dads footsteps and leading worship this afternoon. The worship team at Saddleback always does an amazing job and presents a great model for worship leading. Another great day is just around the corner!
Day 2
Wow ok its not really day two but time flew by and before you knew it the week was over. Our second day was Marcos Witt, a Grammy award winner and worship leader from Lakeland in Texas. I have read this guys book before but what an amazing speaker! Todays focus was on developing the worship leaders balance between ministry and life as we know it. Scripture from Rev 4:7 with a great comparison with the worship leaders in heaven found in Revelation and how we can use some of their characteristics in our worship ministries. Worship was by Babbie Mason and in the afternoon again I spent the day with the family soaking up the sun at Laguna Beach. (You gotta see this place!!)
Day 3
Tim Hughes led worship in the morning genral session and John Ortberg spoke. This was one of my favorite session of the week as he encouraged everyone to define their mision in life as well as discover their " Shadow Mission". (being our ulterior motive behind our ministry or why we do what we do. The family spend the day at the beach and then over to the Dana Point Sealife center. We wrapped up the night with a Mercy Me Concert. Corey and Ethan got to meet the band afterwords and visit Saddleback Church for the first time.
Day 4
Chris Tomlin lead worship and Louie Giglio spoke. Friday we headed out to the midwest and flew on Continental through Houston. To say the least it was a miserable trip.
The conference this year had great sessions however it was pretty low key in the evening with the concerts compared to years before. I got alot out of the morning general sesions and a couple worship settings but what I enjoyed most other than those things was relaxing in the afternoon at the beach. (I guess that could be I havent had a break in over a year now and needed it bad. ) You can find out more about the Saddleback conference or hear sessions by clicking HERE Of course there was alot more that happened this week but theres too much to write about. Sometime soon Ill have some pics from our visit in southern CAL online.