July in ArizonaITs hard to believe but we have been here only for five days and it seems like a month. There is so much going on. Alot of you have asked to see new pictures of the house and the area we are now living and those will be on here soon.
I wanted to say thanks to PCC for their warm welcome here in Prescott and to both of our families and friends back in Michigan for their prayers and support in this transition.
I also wanted to say thank you to the teens that came to visit us during our last week in Buchanan. To our surprise when I returned home 15 of the youth and college students I had worked with from the East Side of Michigan came to visit us for a couple days. What an awesome time! Thanks you guys for the visit and for keeping in touch. I appreciate you all a ton!
The kids love the new home and our community. We just got a new trampoline and are still trying to sell our vehicle back in MI l so we can get a car here. Our moving truck arrives at our old address this week to pick up our belongings and begin on the trek out here. In the meantime we are just camping out in our new home and adjusting to life in Arizona. Please check back for awesome pics that will be posted soon!!!!