
Celebrating Kaths 25th birthday! ( for the 9th time) Posted by Hello

Micah hanging out with Ethan & Corey Posted by Hello
February News
We just celebrated Kathys birthday last week and at the same time had our friends Paula and Dave Goscinski and their baby Micah over. I continue to plug away at the youth ministry here at the church and having the wonderful opportunity to get to know so many new teens. I have been actively writing new songs for a CD Id like to record come later this fall. Im very excited about these songs as they all have a very new style and are very personal lyrics. God continues to bless the family and provide for us daily in miraculous ways. Check out the resources page of my site for more of my blog diaries including song reviews and devos at kevinearnst.com .

Big News about Our YouTube channel! 

Oliver and Fam