Christmas In Arizona
This year for the first time ever we will be spending Christmas in Arizona. ( Ok we may take a short trip to the west coast and enjoy the ocean for a couple days too) Prescott, AZ is Arizona's Christmas city. What exactly does that mean? Well other than the fact that there are more Christmas celebrations, parades, lights, etc than any other city Ive seen the rumor is it also snows here. Not alot but just enough to cover the ground (and hopefully enough to go sledding) Supposedly there are a couple ski hills north of here a bit that I hope to check out as well. I wouldnt have believed all this if just a month ago it didnt start getting crazy cold (for Arizona anyway) It was 3 degrees at the Grand canyon on the news the other day. From our house and around the area you can see the SanFransico Peaks located in Flagstaff and they have snow all over them. As for here right now its just another bright and sunny day. I would have never imagined snow in Arizona but then again we are 5,3000 feet above sea level here. ( In Phoenix its been around 60 or so!!) Whatever the case may be and no matter where you are Christmas is still Christmas and I pray everyone has a great Christmas and holiday season!
Welcome to my Blog. Every time you visit you will find more stories, pics and videos here of daily adventures, relationships and resources to improve yourself. If you love the outdoors, music, family and new experiences you are in the right place. Follow to get updates.

Wow this month has just flown by! It's hard to believe but two weeks ago now I had the privelege to have a 10 minute interview/song segment on KGCB in Prescott featuring the song "Safe & Sound". Garrick, one of the stations D. J.'s interviewed me about the history of the song and tied it in with the 9-11 tribute weekend. Thanks Garrick for the airplay and recognition! It's always great to hear your own music played on the radio and especially that one. KGCB is a christian station here in town that broadcasts up to the Flagstaff area and down to Phoenix. Check back here soon to here the audio streamline of the song/interview online.
Just before I came out to interview at my present worship ministry I was called by a church in New Orleans about a position there. Although it seemed like a great opportunity I knew it wasnt where God wanted us. After seeing what happened down there in these past few weeks Im greatful that we didnt end up there and how God was watching out for us long term. It seems just like 9-11 that everyone knows someone who was a part of that tragedy and so it effects us all. Again we are provided with another opportunity to reach people and minister to them as their hearts are opened. Third Day has a new great song out here that you can download for free with clips of media from the news througout the song. Check it out. Pray God again will bring good things from this devestation.
Just before I came out to interview at my present worship ministry I was called by a church in New Orleans about a position there. Although it seemed like a great opportunity I knew it wasnt where God wanted us. After seeing what happened down there in these past few weeks Im greatful that we didnt end up there and how God was watching out for us long term. It seems just like 9-11 that everyone knows someone who was a part of that tragedy and so it effects us all. Again we are provided with another opportunity to reach people and minister to them as their hearts are opened. Third Day has a new great song out here that you can download for free with clips of media from the news througout the song. Check it out. Pray God again will bring good things from this devestation.

July in Arizona
ITs hard to believe but we have been here only for five days and it seems like a month. There is so much going on. Alot of you have asked to see new pictures of the house and the area we are now living and those will be on here soon.
I wanted to say thanks to PCC for their warm welcome here in Prescott and to both of our families and friends back in Michigan for their prayers and support in this transition.
I also wanted to say thank you to the teens that came to visit us during our last week in Buchanan. To our surprise when I returned home 15 of the youth and college students I had worked with from the East Side of Michigan came to visit us for a couple days. What an awesome time! Thanks you guys for the visit and for keeping in touch. I appreciate you all a ton!
The kids love the new home and our community. We just got a new trampoline and are still trying to sell our vehicle back in MI l so we can get a car here. Our moving truck arrives at our old address this week to pick up our belongings and begin on the trek out here. In the meantime we are just camping out in our new home and adjusting to life in Arizona. Please check back for awesome pics that will be posted soon!!!!
Almost 3 weeks ago Kathy and I flew to a church for an interview praying that God would give us a great opportunity to serve. We got off the plane and for the next four days discovered that we had finally found what we had been waiting so long for. So to make a long story short, we are moving. Where to? Well, you will never guess. Ok I’ll tell you. As I write this email I am sitting in my new office and new church family home at Prescott Christian Church in Prescott, Arizona! Why Arizona? I don’t know, ask God. All I know is that as soon as Kathy and I arrived here and visited the area,the church and the staff we knew right away after many weeks of praying that this was God’s plan as he made it abundantly clear. As of today I have already finished my first week here in my new position as Worship Arts pastor. I had no idea where God would send me but to my surprise here I am. Prescott Christian is a growing and contemporary church of about 700, located 90 minutes north of Phoenix, 6 hours from the west coast and 2 hours south of the Grand Canyon.
Prescott is one of the fastest growing areas in the country as it has literally boomed from 13,000 to over 100,000 in the tri-city area in the past 15 years. On top of that the scenery is absolutely beautiful. It is located in the mountains so the weather is 70-85 or so for a majority of the year and not the 110 degrees down in Phoenix. The area is surrounded by mountains, canyons and lakes and you can’t help but feel even closer to our awesome creator just by being here alone.
In less than three weeks we went through the interview process and the visit here and were offered the position. Everything we had prayed for and wanted we found at PCC. God’s plan was written all over this decision as we have never felt so good about an opportunity like this.
The past month has flown by fast and in the midst of all the transition I decided to come out ahead of the family to get started, find and a home and make plans. On July 2nd and 4th we celebrate Corey and my birthdays and finish packing, on July 8th the moving company is coming and loading everything up and then on the 9th our family will be boarding the plane from Chicago to fly out to our new home. Everything we have planned came together miraculously and we are extremely blessed.
We are overwhelmed with excitement about it all and continue to pray in this huge transition. Ethan and Corey have been praying about the transition for some time and have everyday asked God to give daddy a new worship ministry. God definitely answered their prayer as we were offered the job at Prescott and happily accepted. They also prayed that God would give us a new house. Of course we would have to have a new place to live in but God took their request literally as after one day of being here I was able to get not just a house but a beautiful home overlooking the mountains and lakes that is brand new! There seems to be a lot of power in the prayer of a child.
Yes the transition will be a difficult one in many ways as many friends and family live in Michigan and we are further away than ever. But when answering God’s call and following His plan there is extreme peace and happiness. We will miss everyone but have no intention on letting our relationships fall behind. Please email or call and keep in touch. The way we see it we are one huge family of God and serving in all different areas. It is also a great opportunity to be able to serve in a position like this in a whole different area of the country. We will keep you posted on a new address and phones as soon as we get that taken care of. Please pray for us in this transition and feel free to visit my website to see upcoming pictures and info in the journal link. We would have loved to send an email out sooner to announce this but it has all happened extremely fast and we have been swamped. God is awesome and we thank you so much for praying for us. We will all be home the week of July 2nd until the 9th and my cell phone number will be the same for another week or so if you try calling. Again we thank you all so much and will keep you informed. Also just to let you know if you are ever in the area at all for any reason make sure you get in touch with us. We would love to see you!
Almost 3 weeks ago Kathy and I flew to a church for an interview praying that God would give us a great opportunity to serve. We got off the plane and for the next four days discovered that we had finally found what we had been waiting so long for. So to make a long story short, we are moving. Where to? Well, you will never guess. Ok I’ll tell you. As I write this email I am sitting in my new office and new church family home at Prescott Christian Church in Prescott, Arizona! Why Arizona? I don’t know, ask God. All I know is that as soon as Kathy and I arrived here and visited the area,the church and the staff we knew right away after many weeks of praying that this was God’s plan as he made it abundantly clear. As of today I have already finished my first week here in my new position as Worship Arts pastor. I had no idea where God would send me but to my surprise here I am. Prescott Christian is a growing and contemporary church of about 700, located 90 minutes north of Phoenix, 6 hours from the west coast and 2 hours south of the Grand Canyon.
Prescott is one of the fastest growing areas in the country as it has literally boomed from 13,000 to over 100,000 in the tri-city area in the past 15 years. On top of that the scenery is absolutely beautiful. It is located in the mountains so the weather is 70-85 or so for a majority of the year and not the 110 degrees down in Phoenix. The area is surrounded by mountains, canyons and lakes and you can’t help but feel even closer to our awesome creator just by being here alone.
In less than three weeks we went through the interview process and the visit here and were offered the position. Everything we had prayed for and wanted we found at PCC. God’s plan was written all over this decision as we have never felt so good about an opportunity like this.
The past month has flown by fast and in the midst of all the transition I decided to come out ahead of the family to get started, find and a home and make plans. On July 2nd and 4th we celebrate Corey and my birthdays and finish packing, on July 8th the moving company is coming and loading everything up and then on the 9th our family will be boarding the plane from Chicago to fly out to our new home. Everything we have planned came together miraculously and we are extremely blessed.
We are overwhelmed with excitement about it all and continue to pray in this huge transition. Ethan and Corey have been praying about the transition for some time and have everyday asked God to give daddy a new worship ministry. God definitely answered their prayer as we were offered the job at Prescott and happily accepted. They also prayed that God would give us a new house. Of course we would have to have a new place to live in but God took their request literally as after one day of being here I was able to get not just a house but a beautiful home overlooking the mountains and lakes that is brand new! There seems to be a lot of power in the prayer of a child.
Yes the transition will be a difficult one in many ways as many friends and family live in Michigan and we are further away than ever. But when answering God’s call and following His plan there is extreme peace and happiness. We will miss everyone but have no intention on letting our relationships fall behind. Please email or call and keep in touch. The way we see it we are one huge family of God and serving in all different areas. It is also a great opportunity to be able to serve in a position like this in a whole different area of the country. We will keep you posted on a new address and phones as soon as we get that taken care of. Please pray for us in this transition and feel free to visit my website to see upcoming pictures and info in the journal link. We would have loved to send an email out sooner to announce this but it has all happened extremely fast and we have been swamped. God is awesome and we thank you so much for praying for us. We will all be home the week of July 2nd until the 9th and my cell phone number will be the same for another week or so if you try calling. Again we thank you all so much and will keep you informed. Also just to let you know if you are ever in the area at all for any reason make sure you get in touch with us. We would love to see you!
Whats new?
Can you believe it's 98 and humid in the great state of Michigan! Even though its hot and humid here there are some pretty cool things happening for us and we are excited about God's awesome plans. New postings will be happening on the journal page soon so stay tuned as we will make a big official announcement here probably within the next couple weeks. Until then.................
Can you believe it's 98 and humid in the great state of Michigan! Even though its hot and humid here there are some pretty cool things happening for us and we are excited about God's awesome plans. New postings will be happening on the journal page soon so stay tuned as we will make a big official announcement here probably within the next couple weeks. Until then.................
Ethan & the Elephant
Ok you guessed it the Elephant is me. The truth is out. Someone had to do it and I look pretty good with a long curly nose anyway. We had our Memorial day parade Monday and built a float for our VBS program. It was alot of fun as the kids walked along with us and the float through town promoting our program. Later I made an idiot of myself and wore the suit around after the parade and getting my moneys worth for the rental. It's not everyday you get a chance to do something like that.
Ok you guessed it the Elephant is me. The truth is out. Someone had to do it and I look pretty good with a long curly nose anyway. We had our Memorial day parade Monday and built a float for our VBS program. It was alot of fun as the kids walked along with us and the float through town promoting our program. Later I made an idiot of myself and wore the suit around after the parade and getting my moneys worth for the rental. It's not everyday you get a chance to do something like that.
Everybody Loves Raymond
I watched the last episode of Everybody loves Raymond from the E. R. ironically as Raymonds family was hanging in the ER on the screen. Just like the show we too had a big scare as Kathy had a miscarriage a couple days before. To our suprise after two seperate visits to the same place she still was experiencing many problems so we were there four nights in a row. After surgery, a blood transfusion and alot of rest two weeks later now she is back to normal. God healed her and she is well. I have enjoyed Everybody loves Raymond for many years and it was one of the few family shows that was left on TV. I remember many episodes and have favorites but will remember that last one not only because it was the last one but also because of the experience I had that night. Life and family is a good thing no matter how you look at it. Everybody loves Raymond illustrated that on their show all the time. In real life we actually get to live it everyday!
I watched the last episode of Everybody loves Raymond from the E. R. ironically as Raymonds family was hanging in the ER on the screen. Just like the show we too had a big scare as Kathy had a miscarriage a couple days before. To our suprise after two seperate visits to the same place she still was experiencing many problems so we were there four nights in a row. After surgery, a blood transfusion and alot of rest two weeks later now she is back to normal. God healed her and she is well. I have enjoyed Everybody loves Raymond for many years and it was one of the few family shows that was left on TV. I remember many episodes and have favorites but will remember that last one not only because it was the last one but also because of the experience I had that night. Life and family is a good thing no matter how you look at it. Everybody loves Raymond illustrated that on their show all the time. In real life we actually get to live it everyday!
Star Wars Madness
The star wars III excitement could not be any more crazier around here and I'm not just talking about my excitement. Its contagious. Everyone's got it. Well maybe except for Kath. Not too long ago I got up to find two young jedi who live here with us out in the back yard battling it out for the power of the dark side. Its funny but hey if your a real Star Wars fan thats what it's all about. I need to go find my sword.
The star wars III excitement could not be any more crazier around here and I'm not just talking about my excitement. Its contagious. Everyone's got it. Well maybe except for Kath. Not too long ago I got up to find two young jedi who live here with us out in the back yard battling it out for the power of the dark side. Its funny but hey if your a real Star Wars fan thats what it's all about. I need to go find my sword.
Whats Going on Here
First I wanted to say thank you to everyone across the country who have us on your prayer list and have emailed and called lately. I appreciate your praying as God opens ministry doors for us and as you have kep the family, my music and the youth ministry here in mind. We appreciate all of our friends from coast to coast. Many people have asked or heard a rumor about a new CD coming out. The rumor is true it is in the works but I am not in the studio yet. Still finishing the writing. Sorry. I'll keep you posted. While all these things are going on and I'm not playing softball or practicing soccer with Corey I have been reading some new books. I always have a half a dozen or more books next to my bed. Three of them are..........
The Case For the Creator- Les Stroble
The Way I Was Made- Chris Tomlin
Praise Habit-David Crowder
I am almost finished with these and highly recommend them. Check out the website resource page soon for my own personal review of them if you'd like.
Anyway back to the great weather and other exciting things.
The biggest talk in the family and all over for that matter is Star wars coming out next week. Are you excited as I am about that!!!! OH Yeah!!! Ok Im done. I already have each day planned througout opening weekend to see it with different people here. Bring on the SITH!!!
First I wanted to say thank you to everyone across the country who have us on your prayer list and have emailed and called lately. I appreciate your praying as God opens ministry doors for us and as you have kep the family, my music and the youth ministry here in mind. We appreciate all of our friends from coast to coast. Many people have asked or heard a rumor about a new CD coming out. The rumor is true it is in the works but I am not in the studio yet. Still finishing the writing. Sorry. I'll keep you posted. While all these things are going on and I'm not playing softball or practicing soccer with Corey I have been reading some new books. I always have a half a dozen or more books next to my bed. Three of them are..........
The Case For the Creator- Les Stroble
The Way I Was Made- Chris Tomlin
Praise Habit-David Crowder
I am almost finished with these and highly recommend them. Check out the website resource page soon for my own personal review of them if you'd like.
Anyway back to the great weather and other exciting things.
The biggest talk in the family and all over for that matter is Star wars coming out next week. Are you excited as I am about that!!!! OH Yeah!!! Ok Im done. I already have each day planned througout opening weekend to see it with different people here. Bring on the SITH!!!
Rumors of Popehood
Well it looks like my chances to become the next pope are now gone. After being pressured by friends I had sent in my resume to the Vatican but didn't hear anything back. I figured why not since I had applied several other places. Sounds like fun! But I didn't make it. I knew I shouldn't have put my hat size on my application. Fact of the day: Did you know that anyone can be elected for Pope just as long as they don't have kids? I don't think Corey and Ethan would pass as my brothers anyway. Can you imagine? Anyway ok none of this is true. Well the fact of the day is, but the rest isn't. No Popehood for me. Just doing my thing here today waiting to see what God has up his sleeve for me tomorrow.
Well it looks like my chances to become the next pope are now gone. After being pressured by friends I had sent in my resume to the Vatican but didn't hear anything back. I figured why not since I had applied several other places. Sounds like fun! But I didn't make it. I knew I shouldn't have put my hat size on my application. Fact of the day: Did you know that anyone can be elected for Pope just as long as they don't have kids? I don't think Corey and Ethan would pass as my brothers anyway. Can you imagine? Anyway ok none of this is true. Well the fact of the day is, but the rest isn't. No Popehood for me. Just doing my thing here today waiting to see what God has up his sleeve for me tomorrow.
April News and Update
Today I found myself playing with an enormous basketball in the backyard with the kids. We all saw a very hilarious donkey basketball game at the high school lat week and ever since then the boys want to play ball. At least they didnt make me be the donkey. It's a beautiful day and Spring break is in action. The parents are in Miami, the youth group I have been working with is on a mission trip to Haiti and we are here enjoying the great Michigan weather. Yeah right. At least spring is here.
Ministry & Home life
Yes I am still looking for a worship ministry. I have had 3 interviews on the phone this past week and two more next week. A few churches I have been talking to for a few months have finally gotten on the ball and and moved on. Looking for the perfect church and ministry to work at is a headache. We have talked to several churches. Turned a handful down and press on to what God is keeping us waiting for. We know God will make it totally clear when the right place comes along. Both of us have prayed about it and caught a glimpse of whats in store. We are very hopeful and think May may be the lucky month. God has some cool things, some big plans planned.
In the meantime we continue to enjoy our opportunities here working with all the youth. We have been blessed to help out here and enjoy almost 5 months now in our own house on Detroit st. (the biggest amount of space we have ever had and most likely ever will. See the October 2004 blog in the archives on the right for a pic) We have had the chance to really search for the perfect place to serve as worship minister while getting a lot of family time here and enjoying a little more relaxed lifestyle here which we are very greatful for and very well deserve.
Music and Creativity
I have written 6 new songs as well (including some worship) for a CD I hope to begin working on this summer. I also have tried my best at writing a book (in all my spare time) and am over half way done. This book does have to do with a worship lifestyle but more info is to come. I was encouraged by a few friends to write it while I have the time, including Greg Campbell of Basic Music Ministries. On top of that I've been also helping lead the worship almost every other week and going over to Granger Community Church (in South Bend, IN near Notre Dame )to enjoy their awesome worship program there.
The fam
The kids are doing great and are involved in many activities (school, soccer, piano, piano lesons and friends.) They are praying hard every day that God will get us ready for our next destination. Kathy is busy with them and doing some childcare. She is believe it or not one of the soccer coaches of Corey's team and does a great job. She also has some creative outlets of her own including a website journal with pics of the kids at
Word on the street
No we arent planning on staying in Buchanan. No opportunities have arisen here or even in the state of Michigan. We have enjoyed our time here but know that God has other things in store. My passion is only music and worship and that's what I pursue daily. After talking with the churches I have been interviewing with I know for certain one of them is going to be our next place to serve and that I am called to do worship. Altough we have talked to places around Michigan we have not found anything available and have looked elsewhere. The good thing is though everywhere we are are interviewing at are great vacation spots so we know we will get many visitors. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know how you are. We'd love to hear from you. As for us here all is well and we continue everyday to realize we have a great God.
Today I found myself playing with an enormous basketball in the backyard with the kids. We all saw a very hilarious donkey basketball game at the high school lat week and ever since then the boys want to play ball. At least they didnt make me be the donkey. It's a beautiful day and Spring break is in action. The parents are in Miami, the youth group I have been working with is on a mission trip to Haiti and we are here enjoying the great Michigan weather. Yeah right. At least spring is here.
Ministry & Home life
Yes I am still looking for a worship ministry. I have had 3 interviews on the phone this past week and two more next week. A few churches I have been talking to for a few months have finally gotten on the ball and and moved on. Looking for the perfect church and ministry to work at is a headache. We have talked to several churches. Turned a handful down and press on to what God is keeping us waiting for. We know God will make it totally clear when the right place comes along. Both of us have prayed about it and caught a glimpse of whats in store. We are very hopeful and think May may be the lucky month. God has some cool things, some big plans planned.
In the meantime we continue to enjoy our opportunities here working with all the youth. We have been blessed to help out here and enjoy almost 5 months now in our own house on Detroit st. (the biggest amount of space we have ever had and most likely ever will. See the October 2004 blog in the archives on the right for a pic) We have had the chance to really search for the perfect place to serve as worship minister while getting a lot of family time here and enjoying a little more relaxed lifestyle here which we are very greatful for and very well deserve.
Music and Creativity
I have written 6 new songs as well (including some worship) for a CD I hope to begin working on this summer. I also have tried my best at writing a book (in all my spare time) and am over half way done. This book does have to do with a worship lifestyle but more info is to come. I was encouraged by a few friends to write it while I have the time, including Greg Campbell of Basic Music Ministries. On top of that I've been also helping lead the worship almost every other week and going over to Granger Community Church (in South Bend, IN near Notre Dame )to enjoy their awesome worship program there.
The fam
The kids are doing great and are involved in many activities (school, soccer, piano, piano lesons and friends.) They are praying hard every day that God will get us ready for our next destination. Kathy is busy with them and doing some childcare. She is believe it or not one of the soccer coaches of Corey's team and does a great job. She also has some creative outlets of her own including a website journal with pics of the kids at
Word on the street
No we arent planning on staying in Buchanan. No opportunities have arisen here or even in the state of Michigan. We have enjoyed our time here but know that God has other things in store. My passion is only music and worship and that's what I pursue daily. After talking with the churches I have been interviewing with I know for certain one of them is going to be our next place to serve and that I am called to do worship. Altough we have talked to places around Michigan we have not found anything available and have looked elsewhere. The good thing is though everywhere we are are interviewing at are great vacation spots so we know we will get many visitors. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know how you are. We'd love to hear from you. As for us here all is well and we continue everyday to realize we have a great God.
Easter Eve
Today we got to participate in the Great Buchanan Easter Egg Hunt. It was like a huge herd of wild horses as over a hundred kids plowed across the field combing every square inch to collect their colorful surprises. Here is a picture of Corey and Ethan with the Easter bunny. It's been a great week as I said spring earlier Spring has finally arrived. I also have had two interviews this weeks with some great worship ministries and another one on Monday night. So we are pretty excited about that. I ask you continue to pray as we search for where God can use us best. More info to come soon!!!
Today we got to participate in the Great Buchanan Easter Egg Hunt. It was like a huge herd of wild horses as over a hundred kids plowed across the field combing every square inch to collect their colorful surprises. Here is a picture of Corey and Ethan with the Easter bunny. It's been a great week as I said spring earlier Spring has finally arrived. I also have had two interviews this weeks with some great worship ministries and another one on Monday night. So we are pretty excited about that. I ask you continue to pray as we search for where God can use us best. More info to come soon!!!
Spring is Here! For over four months now we have had snow and finally this morning its gone! The weather this week has been starting to look like spring and its finally bearable to be outside for extended amounts of time. I had a great time a few weeks ago taking the Sr High to the Statewide Teen Convention and spending time growing together as a group and learning about Simplifying your life. Much of the time we spent in worship with the One-5 OH band. Great stuff. God continues to bless our ministry search and the family as well as my time writing new songs and doing worship here in Buchanan.
Spring is Here! For over four months now we have had snow and finally this morning its gone! The weather this week has been starting to look like spring and its finally bearable to be outside for extended amounts of time. I had a great time a few weeks ago taking the Sr High to the Statewide Teen Convention and spending time growing together as a group and learning about Simplifying your life. Much of the time we spent in worship with the One-5 OH band. Great stuff. God continues to bless our ministry search and the family as well as my time writing new songs and doing worship here in Buchanan.
This past weekend I had a great opportunity to work with the youth here at the Buchanan church and lead worship for the Sunday morning service using our teen worship band. We did an acoustic setup with 3 great singers, some percussion and acoustic guitars. It was great to see them involved and using their talents. I'm praying hard about some awesome worship and music opportunities I have coming up right now. God is opening up some doors and we are hoping they will work out. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to pray for our next great adventure. We believe its just around the corner.
This past weekend I had a great opportunity to work with the youth here at the Buchanan church and lead worship for the Sunday morning service using our teen worship band. We did an acoustic setup with 3 great singers, some percussion and acoustic guitars. It was great to see them involved and using their talents. I'm praying hard about some awesome worship and music opportunities I have coming up right now. God is opening up some doors and we are hoping they will work out. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to pray for our next great adventure. We believe its just around the corner.
February News
We just celebrated Kathys birthday last week and at the same time had our friends Paula and Dave Goscinski and their baby Micah over. I continue to plug away at the youth ministry here at the church and having the wonderful opportunity to get to know so many new teens. I have been actively writing new songs for a CD Id like to record come later this fall. Im very excited about these songs as they all have a very new style and are very personal lyrics. God continues to bless the family and provide for us daily in miraculous ways. Check out the resources page of my site for more of my blog diaries including song reviews and devos at .
We just celebrated Kathys birthday last week and at the same time had our friends Paula and Dave Goscinski and their baby Micah over. I continue to plug away at the youth ministry here at the church and having the wonderful opportunity to get to know so many new teens. I have been actively writing new songs for a CD Id like to record come later this fall. Im very excited about these songs as they all have a very new style and are very personal lyrics. God continues to bless the family and provide for us daily in miraculous ways. Check out the resources page of my site for more of my blog diaries including song reviews and devos at .
Its been an interesting and exciting month here with alot going on. The first weekend of the month we flew to Tallahassee, FL to interview for a worship position. We decided not to make that move but then I was brought on part time as the youth minister here at the Buchanan Church. This is a temporary setup as the worship ministry search continues. We had more friends come over and visit for the weekend and enjoyed sometime out on the snowy slopes. This weekend Kathy and I celebrate 11 years of being married so we are excited about that. God has continued to bless us in many ways and given us some new opportunities that we are now pursuing. I have spent the past month writing alot of new songs to hopefully record later this year. Thanks again for visiting the site and for your prayers. We will see what God has in store! Every day seems to be another suprise!
Its been an interesting and exciting month here with alot going on. The first weekend of the month we flew to Tallahassee, FL to interview for a worship position. We decided not to make that move but then I was brought on part time as the youth minister here at the Buchanan Church. This is a temporary setup as the worship ministry search continues. We had more friends come over and visit for the weekend and enjoyed sometime out on the snowy slopes. This weekend Kathy and I celebrate 11 years of being married so we are excited about that. God has continued to bless us in many ways and given us some new opportunities that we are now pursuing. I have spent the past month writing alot of new songs to hopefully record later this year. Thanks again for visiting the site and for your prayers. We will see what God has in store! Every day seems to be another suprise!
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Oliver and Fam
What we think about can control everything about us, even the wa...
Deciding a name can be quite a huge Job. it's choosing a title that everyone uses to identify this person the rest of their lives . We ...
I got the chance when in Buchanan last summer to visit my grandparents old home from many years ago. This was my "second home...