Many times a week when I'm on my treadmill at home Ill look out the window over my deck and see a humingbird buzz around the bird feeder. The weird thing is first of all the bird feeder is empty and second its not even a Humming bird feeder! My question is why does it keep coming back? Or even why does it come in the first place. Its been empty literally for the whole short time Ive lived there (mainly because Ive been too lazy to just go out there and fill it.) Ive been waiting to hear a small peck on the window and a dirty look from this bird pearing in at me until I feel guilty enough to refill it. But regardless it shows up continually checking it out. Never stopping and always returning even when its still empty. So while I was thinking about this unique daily scenario, for some reason the words never stop keep coming to mind.
Never stop is a reminder I keep telling myself everyday in the middle of my life circumstance. Never stop pursuing God, never stop hoping, never stop making the most of everyday, never stop praying. I find some prayers Ive prayed to be just like that birdfeeder. Empty. Never answered. Just there. I lift them up and keep coming back to them but no answer. No results. But ironically I know that is no excuse to stop praying. I have learned many times over many years that even tho my prayers sometimes can be lifted up and get no response, to stop praying is not really an option. ( I wrote more thoughts about this in my book called book Sinking Deeper). God will eventually answer and do His thing. Unlike me, he's not too lazy to "refill the feeder" or answer us when we continue returning back to Him.
I love the worship song "Not For A Moment". It helps to better understand that God is constant and never fails us. Its a pretty amazing lyric that is fairly new but something everyone needs to hear and remember especially when you feel you want to quit. Never Stop Praying. Not for a moment does He stop listening.
He is always wanting to hear from us all the time.
No matter whether empty or full this bird is going to keep coming back. So the thought I've concluded from everything on my mind and this little buzzing reminder is...............
We might not like it when we are ignored but neither does God. Neither do Hummingbirds.
So never Stop praying and always fill your bird feeder.