So I just a month or two ago joined the world of Ipods and got my own 30gig pod with all the cool features. About 5 years ago I had purchased a Creative Zen MP3 Media player that had song capabilities but nothing like what the Ipod can do. After selling the old player on ebay I went to Best Buy and got it and have been in love with it ever since. I know, I know Ipods are old news. They've been out for a while but I guess I'm still catching up with the times. I have hundreds of songs on there, some tv shows (including lost) pictures and tons of podcasts from some of my favorite worship services and speakers. Its pretty amazing. So while Im talking about all my new Ipod let me throw in my 10 second commercial of some new music you should really check out that I recently purchased and have been listening to.....

Leeland: Sound of Melodies
This CD is awesome. This is a brand new group with a whole new sound including worship and heartfelt lyrics about life from an amazingly creative and gifted 18 year old named Leeland Mooring. The title song "Sound of Melodies" and "Yes You Have" have already been radio hits and are some of my favorites that I listen to all the time.

Jeremy Camp: Beyond Measure
What more can you say. The name says it all. This is just another project filled with great music from Camp that anyone can enjoy. (check out the song "Let it Fade")
Ok Im done with my commercial now but you have to check out these two new CDS.